**Featuring undergraduate and graduate student research from Reprolab.
Lee NLY, Kuan PSY, Hua HQH, Puniamoorthy N. 2024. Experimental evolution under predation reduces body size in dung flies but courtship displays persist in males (Diptera: Sepsidae). Behavioural Processes. 220: 105073. doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2024.105073
Loh RK, Tan TRH, Yeo H, Yeoh TX, Lee TTM, Kutty SN and Puniamoorthy N. 2024. Metabarcoding mosquitoes: MinION sequencing of bulk samples gives accurate species profiles for vector surveillance (Culicidae). Frontiers in Tropical Diseases. 5:1223435. doi.org/10.3389/fitd.2024.1223435
Zhang Q, Lee NLY, Unadirekkul P, Puniamoorthy N. 2023. Starting with sustainability: utilizing food wastes as nursery feed for black solder fly neonates. Waste and Biomass Valorization. doi.org/10.1007/s12649-023-02337-8
Zhang Q, Shaktheeshwari S, Unadirekkul P, Lim NW, Heng CW, Liu MH, Puniamoorthy N. 2023. Laboratory‐adapted and wild‐type black soldier flies express differential plasticity in bioconversion and nutrition when reared on urban food‐waste streams. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.13039
Yeo H, Tan HZ, Tang Q, Tan TRH., Puniamoorthy N, Rheindt FE. 2023. Dense residential areas promote gene flow in dengue vector mosquito Aedes albopictus. iScience. 107577. doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.107577
Harjoko DN, Hua QQH, Toh EMC, Goh CYJ and Puniamoorthy N. 2023. A window into fly sex: mating increases female but reduces male longevity in black soldier flies. Animal Behaviour. doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2023.03.007
Walter, M, Puniamoorthy, N. 2022. Discovering novel reproductive genes in a non-model fly using de novo GridION transcriptomics. Frontiers in Genetics. 13. 1003771. doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2022.1003771
Toh KX, S Yap, TG Goh, Puniamoorthy N. 2022. Sexual size dimorphism and male reproductive traits vary across populations of a tropical rainforest dung beetle species (Onthophagus babirussa). Ecology and Evolution. 12, e9279. doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9279
Abdul Rahman IL, S Yap, TG Goh, KX Toh, QQH Yee and Puniamoorthy N. 2021. Vertical stratification of dung beetles in young secondary forests of Singapore. Biotropica. 53(6):1522–1534. doi.org/10.1111/btp.13000
Toh KX, S Yap, Puniamoorthy N. Resource quality affects parental provisioning and reproductive trait expression in a tropical forest dung beetle, Onthophagus babirussa. Evolution. Under review.
Cher WY, Ding H and Puniamoorthy N. Rapid tissue-specific screening of Wolbachia, Cardinium and Rickettsia in Flies (Diptera: Sepsidae; Drosophilidae) PLosOne. Under review.
Mrinalini, Koh, C.Y., Puniamoorthy, N. 2021. Rapid genomic evolution drives the diversification of reproductive genes in male dung beetles. Genome Biology and Evolution. 13 (8) evab172. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evab172
Yeo H, Yeoh TX, Ding H, Lee TTM, Puniamoorthy N. 2021. Morphology and mini-barcodes: The inclusion of larval sampling and NGS-based barcoding improves robustness of ecological analyses in mosquito communities. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13966
Blanckenhorn WU, Baur J, Roy J, Puniamoorthy N, Busso JP, Schäfer MA and PT Rohner. 2021. Comparative sexual selection in field and laboratory in a guild of sepsid dung flies. Animal Behaviour. 175:219-230. doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.03.001
Devigili A, Fernlund Isaksson E, Puniamoorthy N and JL Fitzpatrick. 2021. Behavioral variation in the pygmy halfbeak Dermogenys collettei: comparing shoals with contrasting ecologies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9:607600.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.607600
Ding H, Yeo H and Puniamoorthy N. 2020. Wolbachia infection in wild mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae): implications for transmission modes and host-endosymbiont associations in Singapore. Parasites & Vectors 13, 612.
Baur J, Roy J, Schäfer MA , Puniamoorthy N, Blanckenhorn WU and PT Rohner. 2019. Intraspecific mating system evolution and its effect on complex male secondary sexual traits: Does male–male competition increase selection on size or shape? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33:297-308.
Lüpold, S., M.K. Manier, N. Puniamoorthy, C. Schoff, W.T. Starmer, S.H. Lüpold, J.M. Belote and S. Pitnick. 2016. How sexual selection can drive the evolution of costly sperm ornamentation. Nature 533: 535–538.
Rohner, P.T., W.U. Blanckenhorn and N. Puniamoorthy. 2016. Sexual selection on male size drives the evolution of male-biased sexual size dimorphism via the prolongation of male development. Evolution 70: 1189–1199.
Puniamoorthy, N. 2014. Behavioural barriers to reproduction may evolve faster than sexual morphology among populations of a dung fly (Sepsidae). Animal Behaviour 98: 139-148.
Blanckenhorn, W.U., R. Gautier, M. Nick, N. Puniamoorthy and M.A. Schäfer. 2014. Stage- and sex-specific heat tolerance in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria. Journal of Thermal Biology 46: 1-9.
Rohner, P., Y. Ang, L. Zhao, N. Puniamoorthy, W.U. Blanckenhorn and R. Meier. 2014. Genetic data confirm the species status of Sepsis nigripes Meigen, 1826 (Diptera: Sepsidae) and adds one species to the Alpine fauna while questioning the synonymy of Sepsis helvetica Munari, 1985. Invertebrate Systematics 28: 555-563.
Puniamoorthy, N., Schäfer, M.A., Römbke, J., Meier, R. and W.U. Blanckenhorn. 2014. Ivermectin sensitivity is an ancient trait affecting all ecdysozoa but shows phylogenetic clustering among sepsid flies. Evolutionary Applications 7: 548–554.
Ang, Y.C., J. Puniamoorthy, A.C. Pont, M. Bartak, W.U. Blanckenhorn, W.G. Eberhard, N. Puniamoorthy, V. Silva, L. Munari and R. Meier. 2013. A plea for digital reference collections and other science-based digitization initiatives in taxonomy: Sepsidnet as exemplar. Systematic Entomology 38: 637-644.
Martin, O.Y., N. Puniamoorthy, A. Gubler, C. Wimmer, C. Germann and M.V. Bernasconi. 2013. Infections with the microbe Cardinium in the Dolichopodidae and other Empidoidea (Diptera). Journal of Insect Science 13:47.
Blanckenhorn, W.U., N. Puniamoorthy, A. Scheffczyk and J. Römbke. 2013. Evaluation of eco-toxicological effects of the parasiticide moxidectin in comparison to ivermectin in 11 species of dung flies. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 89: 15-20.
Blanckenhorn, W.U, N. Puniamoorthy, M.A. Schäfer, A. Scheffczyk and J. Römbke. 2013. Standardized laboratory tests with 21 species of temperate and tropical sepsid flies confirm their suitability as bioassays of pharmaceutical residues (ivermectin) in cattle dung. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 89: 21-28.
Martin, O.Y., N. Puniamoorthy, A. Gubler, C. Wimmer and M.V. Bernasconi. Infections with Wolbachia, Spiroplasma, and Rickettsia in the Dolichopodidae and other Empidoidea. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 13:317-330.
Puniamoorthy, N., W.U. Blanckenhorn and M.A. Schäfer. 2012. Differential investment in pre- versus post-copulatory sexual selection reinforces a cross-continental reversal of sexual size dimorphism in Sepsis punctum (Diptera: Sepsidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 2253–2263.
Puniamoorthy, N., M. A. Schäfer and W. U. Blanckenhorn. 2012. Sexual selection accounts for the geographic reversal of sexual size dimorphism in the dung fly, Sepsis punctum. Evolution 66: 2117–2126.
Puniamoorthy, N., Kotrba, M. and R. Meier. 2010. Unlocking the ‘Black Box’: Female genitalia in Sepsidae (Diptera) evolves fast and is specific to most species. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:275.
Römbke, J., K.D. Floate, R. Jochmann, M.A. Schäfer, N. Puniamoorthy, S. Knäbe, J. Lehmus, B. Rosenkranz, A. Scheffczyk, T. Schmidt, A. Sharples and W.U. Blanckenhorn. 2009. Lethal and sublethal toxic effects of a test chemical (Ivermectin) on the yellow dung fly (Scathophage stercoraria) based on a standardized international ring test. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(10): 2117-2124.
Puniamoorthy,N., M.Rifqi, D. Tan, Meier, R. 2009. From Kissing to Belly Stridulation: Comparative Analysis Reveals Surprising Diversity, Rapid Evolution, and much Homoplasy in the Mating Behavior of 27 Species of Sepsid Flies (Diptera: Sepsidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 22: 2146-2156.
Puniamoorthy, N., Su, K.F.Y., Meier, R. 2008. Bending for love: losses and gains of sexual dimorphisms are strictly correlated with changes in the mounting position of sepsid flies (Sepsidae: Diptera). BMC Evolutionary Biology 8:155.
Ang, Y., Puniamoorthy, N., Meier, R. 2008. Secondarily reduced foreleg armature in Perochaeta dikowi sp.n. (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha: Sepsidae) due to a novel mounting technique. Systematic Entomology 33: 552-559.
Ingram, K.K., Laamanen, T., Puniamoorthy, N., Meier, R. 2008. Lack of Morphological Coevolution Between Male Forelegs and Female Wings in Themira (Sepsidae: Diptera: Insecta). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 227-238.
Puniamoorthy, N., Jeevanandam, J., Kutty, S. 2008. Give south Indian authors their true names. Nature 452: 530.
Lee NLY, Kuan PSY, Hua HQH, Puniamoorthy N. 2024. Experimental evolution under predation reduces body size in dung flies but courtship displays persist in males (Diptera: Sepsidae). Behavioural Processes. 220: 105073. doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2024.105073
Loh RK, Tan TRH, Yeo H, Yeoh TX, Lee TTM, Kutty SN and Puniamoorthy N. 2024. Metabarcoding mosquitoes: MinION sequencing of bulk samples gives accurate species profiles for vector surveillance (Culicidae). Frontiers in Tropical Diseases. 5:1223435. doi.org/10.3389/fitd.2024.1223435
Zhang Q, Lee NLY, Unadirekkul P, Puniamoorthy N. 2023. Starting with sustainability: utilizing food wastes as nursery feed for black solder fly neonates. Waste and Biomass Valorization. doi.org/10.1007/s12649-023-02337-8
Zhang Q, Shaktheeshwari S, Unadirekkul P, Lim NW, Heng CW, Liu MH, Puniamoorthy N. 2023. Laboratory‐adapted and wild‐type black soldier flies express differential plasticity in bioconversion and nutrition when reared on urban food‐waste streams. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.13039
Yeo H, Tan HZ, Tang Q, Tan TRH., Puniamoorthy N, Rheindt FE. 2023. Dense residential areas promote gene flow in dengue vector mosquito Aedes albopictus. iScience. 107577. doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.107577
Harjoko DN, Hua QQH, Toh EMC, Goh CYJ and Puniamoorthy N. 2023. A window into fly sex: mating increases female but reduces male longevity in black soldier flies. Animal Behaviour. doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2023.03.007
Walter, M, Puniamoorthy, N. 2022. Discovering novel reproductive genes in a non-model fly using de novo GridION transcriptomics. Frontiers in Genetics. 13. 1003771. doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2022.1003771
Toh KX, S Yap, TG Goh, Puniamoorthy N. 2022. Sexual size dimorphism and male reproductive traits vary across populations of a tropical rainforest dung beetle species (Onthophagus babirussa). Ecology and Evolution. 12, e9279. doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9279
Abdul Rahman IL, S Yap, TG Goh, KX Toh, QQH Yee and Puniamoorthy N. 2021. Vertical stratification of dung beetles in young secondary forests of Singapore. Biotropica. 53(6):1522–1534. doi.org/10.1111/btp.13000
Toh KX, S Yap, Puniamoorthy N. Resource quality affects parental provisioning and reproductive trait expression in a tropical forest dung beetle, Onthophagus babirussa. Evolution. Under review.
Cher WY, Ding H and Puniamoorthy N. Rapid tissue-specific screening of Wolbachia, Cardinium and Rickettsia in Flies (Diptera: Sepsidae; Drosophilidae) PLosOne. Under review.
Mrinalini, Koh, C.Y., Puniamoorthy, N. 2021. Rapid genomic evolution drives the diversification of reproductive genes in male dung beetles. Genome Biology and Evolution. 13 (8) evab172. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evab172
Yeo H, Yeoh TX, Ding H, Lee TTM, Puniamoorthy N. 2021. Morphology and mini-barcodes: The inclusion of larval sampling and NGS-based barcoding improves robustness of ecological analyses in mosquito communities. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13966
Blanckenhorn WU, Baur J, Roy J, Puniamoorthy N, Busso JP, Schäfer MA and PT Rohner. 2021. Comparative sexual selection in field and laboratory in a guild of sepsid dung flies. Animal Behaviour. 175:219-230. doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.03.001
Devigili A, Fernlund Isaksson E, Puniamoorthy N and JL Fitzpatrick. 2021. Behavioral variation in the pygmy halfbeak Dermogenys collettei: comparing shoals with contrasting ecologies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9:607600.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.607600
Ding H, Yeo H and Puniamoorthy N. 2020. Wolbachia infection in wild mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae): implications for transmission modes and host-endosymbiont associations in Singapore. Parasites & Vectors 13, 612.
Baur J, Roy J, Schäfer MA , Puniamoorthy N, Blanckenhorn WU and PT Rohner. 2019. Intraspecific mating system evolution and its effect on complex male secondary sexual traits: Does male–male competition increase selection on size or shape? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33:297-308.
Lüpold, S., M.K. Manier, N. Puniamoorthy, C. Schoff, W.T. Starmer, S.H. Lüpold, J.M. Belote and S. Pitnick. 2016. How sexual selection can drive the evolution of costly sperm ornamentation. Nature 533: 535–538.
Rohner, P.T., W.U. Blanckenhorn and N. Puniamoorthy. 2016. Sexual selection on male size drives the evolution of male-biased sexual size dimorphism via the prolongation of male development. Evolution 70: 1189–1199.
Puniamoorthy, N. 2014. Behavioural barriers to reproduction may evolve faster than sexual morphology among populations of a dung fly (Sepsidae). Animal Behaviour 98: 139-148.
Blanckenhorn, W.U., R. Gautier, M. Nick, N. Puniamoorthy and M.A. Schäfer. 2014. Stage- and sex-specific heat tolerance in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria. Journal of Thermal Biology 46: 1-9.
Rohner, P., Y. Ang, L. Zhao, N. Puniamoorthy, W.U. Blanckenhorn and R. Meier. 2014. Genetic data confirm the species status of Sepsis nigripes Meigen, 1826 (Diptera: Sepsidae) and adds one species to the Alpine fauna while questioning the synonymy of Sepsis helvetica Munari, 1985. Invertebrate Systematics 28: 555-563.
Puniamoorthy, N., Schäfer, M.A., Römbke, J., Meier, R. and W.U. Blanckenhorn. 2014. Ivermectin sensitivity is an ancient trait affecting all ecdysozoa but shows phylogenetic clustering among sepsid flies. Evolutionary Applications 7: 548–554.
Ang, Y.C., J. Puniamoorthy, A.C. Pont, M. Bartak, W.U. Blanckenhorn, W.G. Eberhard, N. Puniamoorthy, V. Silva, L. Munari and R. Meier. 2013. A plea for digital reference collections and other science-based digitization initiatives in taxonomy: Sepsidnet as exemplar. Systematic Entomology 38: 637-644.
Martin, O.Y., N. Puniamoorthy, A. Gubler, C. Wimmer, C. Germann and M.V. Bernasconi. 2013. Infections with the microbe Cardinium in the Dolichopodidae and other Empidoidea (Diptera). Journal of Insect Science 13:47.
Blanckenhorn, W.U., N. Puniamoorthy, A. Scheffczyk and J. Römbke. 2013. Evaluation of eco-toxicological effects of the parasiticide moxidectin in comparison to ivermectin in 11 species of dung flies. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 89: 15-20.
Blanckenhorn, W.U, N. Puniamoorthy, M.A. Schäfer, A. Scheffczyk and J. Römbke. 2013. Standardized laboratory tests with 21 species of temperate and tropical sepsid flies confirm their suitability as bioassays of pharmaceutical residues (ivermectin) in cattle dung. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 89: 21-28.
Martin, O.Y., N. Puniamoorthy, A. Gubler, C. Wimmer and M.V. Bernasconi. Infections with Wolbachia, Spiroplasma, and Rickettsia in the Dolichopodidae and other Empidoidea. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 13:317-330.
Puniamoorthy, N., W.U. Blanckenhorn and M.A. Schäfer. 2012. Differential investment in pre- versus post-copulatory sexual selection reinforces a cross-continental reversal of sexual size dimorphism in Sepsis punctum (Diptera: Sepsidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 2253–2263.
Puniamoorthy, N., M. A. Schäfer and W. U. Blanckenhorn. 2012. Sexual selection accounts for the geographic reversal of sexual size dimorphism in the dung fly, Sepsis punctum. Evolution 66: 2117–2126.
Puniamoorthy, N., Kotrba, M. and R. Meier. 2010. Unlocking the ‘Black Box’: Female genitalia in Sepsidae (Diptera) evolves fast and is specific to most species. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:275.
Römbke, J., K.D. Floate, R. Jochmann, M.A. Schäfer, N. Puniamoorthy, S. Knäbe, J. Lehmus, B. Rosenkranz, A. Scheffczyk, T. Schmidt, A. Sharples and W.U. Blanckenhorn. 2009. Lethal and sublethal toxic effects of a test chemical (Ivermectin) on the yellow dung fly (Scathophage stercoraria) based on a standardized international ring test. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(10): 2117-2124.
Puniamoorthy,N., M.Rifqi, D. Tan, Meier, R. 2009. From Kissing to Belly Stridulation: Comparative Analysis Reveals Surprising Diversity, Rapid Evolution, and much Homoplasy in the Mating Behavior of 27 Species of Sepsid Flies (Diptera: Sepsidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 22: 2146-2156.
Puniamoorthy, N., Su, K.F.Y., Meier, R. 2008. Bending for love: losses and gains of sexual dimorphisms are strictly correlated with changes in the mounting position of sepsid flies (Sepsidae: Diptera). BMC Evolutionary Biology 8:155.
Ang, Y., Puniamoorthy, N., Meier, R. 2008. Secondarily reduced foreleg armature in Perochaeta dikowi sp.n. (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha: Sepsidae) due to a novel mounting technique. Systematic Entomology 33: 552-559.
Ingram, K.K., Laamanen, T., Puniamoorthy, N., Meier, R. 2008. Lack of Morphological Coevolution Between Male Forelegs and Female Wings in Themira (Sepsidae: Diptera: Insecta). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 227-238.
Puniamoorthy, N., Jeevanandam, J., Kutty, S. 2008. Give south Indian authors their true names. Nature 452: 530.